We want you. . .we need you . . . You are Missing!
(Note: if your name is on this page, we need you to join our website. . . then you will no longer be "missing" on this page!)
If you are among the "missing" - here's how to join:
Find your name, click on it, and it will come up with a button that says [Join here! if this is (your name) please click here.] That will take you to a quick form to create your log in information. Fill in the form and go on to the next page to create your profile information. Below your profile information, please visit the privacy information for YOUR profile only and check which ones you would like.
If you have never been on this website and are not on the Missing page, then look at the Classmate Profiles page, click on your name, follow the instructions above. If we have contacted you and you had no way to go on the internet, we may have removed you from the Missing list!
If you have problems/questions you can either press the "Contact us" at the top of the page or just email us at smnorth1963@gmail.com with your name (maiden name), address, phone, and email address.