to the
Shawnee Mission NORTH
Class of 1963
There have been 133,593 visits by SM North Class 'of 1963 alums to this website since its inception
April 8, 2013!
Can you believe this? We've been online for 11 years!

Have you moved and/or changed your phone number since 4/8/13? How about your email address?
Many of you have used your work email address --
is that still good for you?
Please update your PROFILE on this site.
This insures you will hear about any planned events.

Ye Old Webmasters!
Ann (Kirk) Sandler and Chuck Seel

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After writing about Gary's Parkinsons disease and struggles with the dementia as well, He passed away about 5/6 hours after I wrote the 1st comments. Sunday evening around 9:30 pm he just drifted off with no pain or distress. Now he will not be trapped in a brain that knows no one or doesn't know why or where he is.My sweet Gary, be free and know that there are bunches of family and friends that love you and will miss you terribly.Hugs and kisses from me, til we meet up again. YOUR WIFE OF 52+ years. VICKI AUSTIN
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There is no longer SMN Indians. School board caved. The new name is SMN Bisons.
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Karen Fabris
Cheryl Jones
Lynette Star Louden
Sandra K. Teter (Wilhite)
HELP!!! We need to find these folks before the next reunion. If you have ANY hint as to where we might find the above people, please CONTACT US and let us know! Possibly you know an email address, their children's names, their workplace (now or earlier), the ladies may have a second (or more) married name - (we do check their maiden names), an old phone number, or last place you remember they lived after high school/college.
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Join with other Shawnee Mission North Classmates of 1963 and Like us on Facebook!
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I have added a link below that is automatically configured to use as a "Refer a Friend" program. Not only is the Class Creator site used for high school classes, but for families and any group that may benefit. If we refer someone to the site and they sign up for Class Creator, a $50 check will be sent to US!! This is a great way to earn a little extra money and try to keep our cost down for reunions. If you know anyone that could use the service please pass along the information. To receive credit they must use the link below. If they need assistance please use the "Contact Us" button.
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You must be logged in to see the rest!

NOTICE: If you are reading this on an iPad or other Apple product, you may not be able to enjoy all of the features on this website!
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SMNOF - Shawnee Mission North Opportunity Fund -
“Finding & Funding Opportunities for the Shawnee Mission North Community”
Please visit their website and learn all the good they do for our Shawnee Mission North students!
Click here to go to their website.
To learn more about this excellent opportunity for Shawnee Mission North students, please click here.